Month: May 2021

Songs Of The 70’s – Music Of 1971

Today we continue our look at the songs of the 70’s, not the number one songs though but the other fantastic songs that made this decade the best for music. We move on to 1971 and the songs that did not make it to that covetted number one slot. Here are events that happened in…

Queen Album Covers

Welcome to this look at Queen album covers. There seems to be a lot of interest in album covers from the 70s. Those were the good old days when you got the album info on the cover and the vinyl album inside the sleeve. I think that is why vinyl has made such a comeback,…

Songs Of The 70’s – Music Of 1970

In my opinion the songs of the 70’s has never been equalled before or after. That is just my opinion though, you may think differently of course. If we all liked the same things life would be boring wouldn’t it. Whatever your taste in music is the 70s has to be up there.  If it is…

Female Singers of the 70s E-Z

Hi, welcome to part 2 of my posts on female singers of the 70s. It’s been a long time coming but as you will see from the list below it was well worth waiting for. If you have not seen my first post with the A-D of female singers of the 70s click here. I…